Glossary of Terms

*Mathematics: The science of structure, order, and relation that has evolved from elemental practices of counting, measuring, and describing the shapes of objects. It deals with logical reasoning and quantitative calculation ...[Britannica Online v 1.31, 1995]

*Math: A shortened version of mathematics.

*New Math: A change in the perspective of mathematics education in the early '60s that emphasized set theory, and has nothing to do with the changes to math education today.

*Whole Math: The current revolution in mathematics curriculum, akin to the Whole Language experiment, that emphasizes group discussion, essays, calculators and guessing and de-emphasizes basic skills and direct instruction.

*Complete Math: A term used by the math reform movement to avoid using the term Whole Math.

*New-New Math: Another term for Whole Math, used in the San Francisco Chronicle.

*Reform Math: Another term for Whole Math, primarily used by the proponents of these changes.

*Fuzzy Math: A reference to Whole Math, probably originating in Palo Alto, CA. (not to be confused with "fuzzy logic"): A reference to Fuzzy Math, attributed in print to Maureen DiMarco, then the California State Secretary of Child Development and Education.

*Mickey Mouse Math: Another term for Whole Math, not believed to have originated in Anaheim.

*CPM: (College Preparatory Mathematics [sic]) A variety of Whole Math to be given instead of Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II.

*IMP: (Interactive Mathematics Program) Another variety of Fuzzy Math to be given instead of Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II.

*MathLand: One of many versions of Whole Math for primary grades, possibly related to the use of the term Mickey Mouse Math.

*Algebra Lite: A reference to CPM and similar Fuzzy versions of Algebra.

*Placebo Math: A reference to Whole Math from the biomedical research community.

*MTV Math: A reference to Whole Math texts used in the Wall Street Journal. Compulsory Pedagogical Manure: One parent's characterization of a new math program.

*New-new mush-mush math: A reference to a particular Reform Math program from the floor of the U.S. Senate.

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