Earl Family Tree

John Bradley Campbell

Person Chart

Person Events

Event Type Date Place Description
Birth 2/3/1960 Costa Mesa, California, USA
Marriage 11/25/1997
Death 3/1/2014

Kinship Report

Name Type Place of Birth Date of Birth Place of Death Date of Death
Mary Patricia Earl
Barron Bradley Campbell
Bridgette Lauren Campbell
Guy Chaffee Earl III Father-in-law Los Angeles, CA 1/14/1930 Newport Beach, CA 2/19/1992
Paula Tye Turner (Earl) Mother-in-law Los Angeles, CA 6/21/1932 Newport Beach, CA 11/23/2012
Brothers- & Sisters-In-Law
Steven Paul Earl Brother-in-law Los Angeles, CA 12/27/1953 1957
Guy Granville Earl Brother-in-law Los Angeles, CA, USA 12/28/1955 Temecula, CA, USA 7/13/2015
Tracey Eleanor Earl Sister-in-law Los Angeles, CA 10/2/1957 Orange, CA 9/1/1971
Mathew Gregory Earl
Nephews & Nieces
Tyler Mathew Earl
Jake Josiah Earl
Chantal Grace Earl
Guy Chaffee Earl Jr. Grandfather-in-law Los Angeles, California, USA 1/18/1894 Newport Beach, California, USA 6/18/1986
Eleanor Mac Gowan Grandmother-in-law California, USA 2/1/1898 Los Angeles, California, USA 9/2/1975
Great grandparents-in-law
Guy Chaffee Earl Great grandfather-in-law Red Bluff, California, USA 5/7/1861 USA 6/25/1935
Ella Jane Ford Great grandmother-in-law Mendocino, California, USA 3/20/1862 Oakland, California, USA 5/13/1945
Second great grandparents-in-law
Jerome Bursley Ford Second great grandfather-in-law Grand Isle, Vermont, USA
Martha Pauline Hayes Second great grandmother-in-law North Granby, Massachusetts, USA
Josiah Earl Second great grandfather-in-law Tymochtee, Ohio, USA 3/12/1821 Sidney, Austraia 5/24/1884
Adelia Tobias Chaffee Second great grandmother-in-law Tymochtee, Ohio, USA 1/5/1822 Oakland, California, USA 4/2/1892
Third great grandparents-in-law
Elizabeth Tobias Third great grandmother-in-law
Joseph Chaffee Third great grandfather-in-law
Nehemiah Earl Third great grandfather-in-law 9/10/1771 Tymochtee, Crawford County, Ohio, USA 1839
Rebecca Danforth (Earl) Third great grandmother-in-law Massachusetts 1/3/1777 Tippecanoe, Tippecanoe County, Indiana 11/2/1844
Fourth great grandparents-in-law
Hannah Wheeler (Danforth) Fourth great grandmother-in-law
Daniel Earl Fourth great grandfather-in-law Massachusetts 1729 Marcellus, New York 1817
Major Asa Danforth Fourth great grandfather-in-law Worcester, Massachusetts 7/6/1746 Onondaga Hollow, New York 9/2/1818





Date Age Event Category
Nov 30, 1874 - Jan 24, 1965 (-85.2) - 5.0 Life of Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill Personalities
Jan 5, 1876 - Apr 19, 1967 (-84.1) - 7.2 Life of Konrad Adenauer Personalities
Jan 21, 1884 - Dec 12, 1963 (-76.1) - 3.9 Life of Theodor Heuss Personalities
Oct 14, 1890 - Mar 28, 1969 (-69.4) - 9.2 Life of Dwight David Eisenhower Personalities
Dec 5, 1901 - Dec 15, 1966 (-58.2) - 6.9 Life of Walter Elias Disney Personalities
May 29, 1917 - Nov 22, 1963 (-42.7) - 3.8 Life of John F. Kennedy Personalities
Jun 14, 1928 - Oct 9, 1967 (-31.7) - 7.7 Life of Che Guevara Personalities
Jan 15, 1929 - Apr 4, 1968 (-31.1) - 8.2 Life of Martin Luther King Personalities
Aug 5, 1930 - Aug 25, 2012 (-29.5) - 52.6 Life of Neil Armstrong Personalities
Sep 4, 1948 - Apr 30, 1980 (-11.4) - 20.3 Queen of the Netherlands: Juliana Netherlands
Sep 15, 1949 - Oct 16, 1963 (-10.4) - 3.7 Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany: Konrad Adenauer Germany - Chancellors
Oct 11, 1949 - Sep 7, 1960 (-10.3) - 0.6 Wilhelm Pieck - State President of the GDR GDR
Apr 9, 1951 - Jan 18, 1970 (-8.8) - 10.0 President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: David O. McKay Mormon History
Feb 6, 1952 - Today (-8.0) Queen of the United Kingdom: Elizabeth II Great Britain
Jan 20, 1953 - Jan 20, 1961 (-7.0) - 1.0 President of the United States of America: Dwight D. Eisenhower USA - Presidents
Feb 24, 1955 - Oct 5, 2011 (-4.9) - 51.7 Life of Steven 'Steve' Paul Jobs Personalities
Jan 8, 1959 - Apr 28, 1969 (-1.1) - 9.2 President of France: Charles de Gaulle France
1959 - Apr 30, 1975 (-0.6) - 15.2 Vietnam War Wars & Military Conflicts
1960 - 1973 0.4 - 13.4 Walter Ulbricht - Chairman of the State Council of the GDR GDR
Jan 20, 1961 - Nov 22, 1963 1.0 - 3.8 President of the United States of America: John F. Kennedy USA - Presidents
Apr 12, 1961 1.2 First human in space Technology
May 25, 1961 - Jul 24, 1975 1.3 - 15.5 Apollo Space Program Technology
Aug 13, 1961 1.5 Construction of the Berlin Wall Germany
Oct 11, 1962 - Dec 8, 1965 2.7 - 5.8 Second Vatican Council World
Oct 16, 1962 - Oct 28, 1962 2.7 Cuban Missile Crisis ('October Crisis') USA
Oct 16, 1963 - Dec 1, 1966 3.7 - 6.8 Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany: Ludwig Erhard Germany - Chancellors
Nov 22, 1963 - Jan 20, 1969 3.8 - 9.0 President of the United States of America: Lyndon B. Johnson USA - Presidents
1966 - 1973 6.4 - 13.4 Construction period of the World Trade Center Monuments
Dec 1, 1966 - Oct 21, 1969 6.8 - 9.7 Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany: Kurt Georg Kiesinger Germany - Chancellors
1967 7.4 Founding of the European Community (EC) European Union
Jan 20, 1969 - Aug 9, 1974 9.0 - 14.5 President of the United States of America: Richard Nixon USA - Presidents
Jun 20, 1969 - Apr 2, 1974 9.4 - 14.2 President of France: Georges Pompidou France
Jul 20, 1969 9.5 First man on the moon Technology
Oct 21, 1969 - May 7, 1974 9.7 - 14.3 Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany: Willy Brandt Germany - Chancellors
Oct 31, 1969 9.7 Establishment of Wal Mart Companies
Jan 23, 1970 - Jul 2, 1972 10.0 - 12.4 President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Joseph Fielding Smith Mormon History
Jul 7, 1972 - Dec 26, 1973 12.4 - 13.9 President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Joseph Fielding Smith Mormon History
Jul 21, 1972 12.5 Bloody Friday Great Britain
1973 - 1976 13.4 - 16.4 Willi Stoph - Chairman of the Council of State of the GDR GDR
Dec 30, 1973 - Nov 5, 1985 13.9 - 25.8 President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Spencer W. Kimball Mormon History
May 16, 1974 - Oct 1, 1982 14.3 - 22.7 Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany: Helmut Schmidt Germany - Chancellors
May 27, 1974 - May 21, 1981 14.3 - 21.3 President of France: Valéry Giscard d'Estaing France
Jul 7, 1974 14.4 FIFA World Cup Champion 1974: Germany Germany
Jul 8, 1974 - Jul 8, 1990 14.4 - 30.4 FIFA World Cup Champion 1990: Germany Germany
Jul 13, 1974 - Jul 13, 2014 14.4 - 54.5 FIFA World Cup Champion 2014: Germany Germany
Aug 9, 1974 - Jan 20, 1977 14.5 - 17.0 President of the United States of America: Gerald Ford USA - Presidents
Nov 20, 1975 15.8 Franco's Death, end of the Francoist regime Spain
Apr 1, 1976 16.2 Apple Computer is established Apple Inc. - Corporate History
1976 - 1989 16.4 - 29.4 Erich Honecker - Chairman of the Council of State of the GDR GDR
Jan 20, 1977 - Jan 20, 1981 17.0 - 21.0 President of the United States of America: Jimmy Carter USA - Presidents
Apr 16, 1977 17.2 Introduction of the Apple II Apple Inc. - Corporate History
Dec 27, 1979 - Feb 15, 1989 19.9 - 29.1 Soviet-Afghan War (1979-1989) Wars & Military Conflicts
Apr 30, 1980 - Apr 30, 2013 20.3 - 53.3 Queen of the Netherlands: Beatrix Netherlands
Sep 22, 1980 - Aug 20, 1988 20.6 - 28.6 First Gulf War ('Iran-Iraq War') Wars & Military Conflicts
Jan 20, 1981 - Jan 20, 1989 21.0 - 29.0 President of the United States of America: Ronald Reagan USA - Presidents
May 21, 1981 - May 17, 1995 21.3 - 35.3 President of France: François Mitterrand France
Apr 2, 1982 - Jun 14, 1982 22.2 - 22.4 Falklands War Wars & Military Conflicts
Oct 1, 1982 - Oct 27, 1998 22.7 - 38.8 Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany: Helmut Kohl Germany - Chancellors
Jan 19, 1983 23.0 Introduction of the Apple Lisa Apple Inc. - Corporate History
1983 23.4 Discovery of HIV Medicine
Jan 24, 1984 24.0 Introduction of the Macintosh Apple Inc. - Corporate History
Nov 10, 1985 - May 30, 1994 25.8 - 34.3 President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Ezra Taft Benson Mormon History
Jan 20, 1989 - Jan 20, 1993 29.0 - 33.0 President of the United States of America: George H. W. Bush USA - Presidents
Oct 18, 1989 - Dec 3, 1989 29.7 - 29.9 Egon Krenz - Chairman of the Council of State of the GDR GDR
Aug 2, 1990 - Feb 28, 1991 30.5 - 31.1 Second Gulf War ('Operation Desert Shield', 'Operation Desert Storm') Wars & Military Conflicts
Oct 3, 1990 30.7 German reunification Germany
Dec 8, 1991 31.9 Signing of the Belavezha Accords, declaring the Soviet Union dissolved Russia
1992 - 1996 32.4 - 36.4 Afghan Civil War Wars & Military Conflicts
Jan 20, 1993 - Jan 20, 2001 33.0 - 41.0 President of the United States of America: Bill Clinton USA - Presidents
Aug 4, 1993 33.5 Introduction of the Apple Newton Apple Inc. - Corporate History
Nov 1, 1993 33.8 Founding of the European Union (EU) European Union
Jun 5, 1994 - Mar 3, 1995 34.4 - 35.1 President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Howard W. Hunter Mormon History
1994 - 1996 34.4 - 36.4 First Chechen War ('War in Chechnya') Wars & Military Conflicts
Jan 17, 1995 35.0 Kobe earthquake Disasters
Mar 12, 1995 - Jan 27, 2008 35.1 - 48.0 President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Gordon B. Hinckley Mormon History
May 17, 1995 - May 16, 2007 35.3 - 47.3 President of France: Jacques Chirac France
1998 - 1999 38.4 - 39.4 Kosovo War ('Kosovo Conflict') Wars & Military Conflicts
1998 - 2003 38.4 - 43.4 Second Congo War ('Great War of Africa') Wars & Military Conflicts
Aug 15, 1998 38.6 Introduction of the Apple iMac Apple Inc. - Corporate History
Oct 27, 1998 - Nov 22, 2005 38.8 - 45.8 Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany: Gerhard Schröder Germany - Chancellors
Jan 1, 1999 38.9 ECU as an internal accounting unit in the European Community European Union
Jan 20, 2001 - Jan 20, 2009 41.0 - 49.0 President of the United States of America: George W. Bush USA - Presidents
Sep 11, 2001 41.6 September 11 attacks ('9/11') USA
Oct 7, 2001 - Today 41.7 Afghanistan War Wars & Military Conflicts
Oct 23, 2001 41.7 Apple iPod introduced Apple Inc. - Corporate History
Jan 1, 2002 41.9 Introduction of the Euro European Union
Mar 20, 2003 - May 1, 2003 43.2 - 43.3 Third Gulf War ('Iraq War') Wars & Military Conflicts
Dec 26, 2004 44.9 Indian Ocean tsunami Disasters
Jun 6, 2005 45.4 Apple switches to Intel CPU architecture Apple Inc. - Corporate History
Nov 22, 2005 - Today 45.8 Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany: Angela Merkel Germany - Chancellors
Jan 9, 2007 47.0 Introduction of the Apple iPhone Apple Inc. - Corporate History
May 16, 2007 - May 15, 2012 47.3 - 52.3 President of France: Nicolas Sarkozy France
Feb 3, 2008 - Jan 2, 2018 48.0 - 58.0 President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Thomas S. Monson Mormon History
Jan 20, 2009 - Jan 20, 2017 49.0 - 57.0 President of the United States of America: Barack Obama USA - Presidents
May 15, 2012 - May 14, 2017 52.3 - 57.3 President of France: François Hollande France
Apr 30, 2013 - Today 53.3 King of the Netherlands: Willem-Alexander Netherlands