The note taking and written
communication skills you acquire in your mathematics class will
benefit you throughout your educational career.
Homework is graded on form, showing the process, effort and an attempt to get correct answers. Students are given homework answers in class and encouraged to ask questions. For full credit follow this format on each assignment!
Lesson #__ With your Last Name, First Name, Date and Period # at the top of the page.
An Important part of Mr. Earls curriculum
Copy each problem and
show your work!
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not have time to complete your warm
- up, then copy each problem and complete as part of your homework
Write each example given
on the board.
Page# x (y - z)
1. Show each page number. Number each problem.
2. Copy each problem from the book or handout
(except word problems).
3. Show each step your work!
4. Do not write on back side of your paper.
5. Please be neat!! I must be able to read and follow your work.