Review of an Integrated High School Mathematics Program
Coping with Math Reform, by Gregory Bachelis Ph.D.
Studies show .......................
CPM (College Preparatory Mathematics)
*Content Review of CPM Mathematics, by Wayne Bishop Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences California State University, Los Angeles
*The Training Wheels. A Parable for Modern Times
*Study Looks at Effectiveness of CPM vs Traditional Math
*A Look at CPM "Evidence"
*CPM: Impeding the Learning Process of Poly's Students, By Siyavash Fooladian
*The Major Goal of CPM? -- It's Public Relations
*Math method not working for some
*Escondido Drops CPM, Re-Institutes Traditional Math
*CPM "Geometry" Rejected by San Diego Teachers
*An Overview of IMP Years 1 and 2
**California 1992 and 1996 SAT Scores for IMP Schools
*Integrated Mathematics in LAUSD, from Mathematically Correct
*IMP: A Student's View, with Comments, by Kim Mackey
*More on IMP, from Mathematically Correct
*Manifesto on an Experimental Concept Gone Awry, by Shoumen Datta
*Don't teach; just join kids as co-learner. The Stars and Stripes July 31, 1997
*Four-Star Math Follies, by Debra J. Saunders San Francisco Chronicle
*MathLand and Glencoe Interactive Mathematics Programs in Department of Defense Dependents Schools (DoDDS)
*MathLand has no textbook
*MathLand has no testing
*Trouble in MathLand from Mathematically Correct.
*Where's the Math? by Debra J. Saunders San Francisco Chronicle
*Reform vs. Traditional Math Curricula. A preliminary report comparing traditional math curricula with Core-Plus program by Gregory F. Bachelis, Ph.D. Professor of Mathematics, Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan
*Experts Attack Math Teaching Programs, LA Times
*Outcomes Analysis for Core Plus Students, by R. James Milgram Department of Mathematics Stanford University
*High School Students And Lab Rats, by Debra J. Saunders San Francisco Chronicle
*Graphic-Calculators, trying to find out if students in Core-Plus math are learning anything.