Dear Parents,

I hope the Q & A below offers some facts and insights which will be helpful to you.

Q(1): What grade has my child earned?

Q(2): What are the daily homework assignments for Mr. Earl’s mathematics class?

Q(3): How is homework graded? What is required?

Q(4): My child gets great homework grades but does not do well on tests. What‘s up?

Q(5): What are the grading and behavior standards for Mr. Earl’s mathematics class?

Q(6): Are resources available to get my child extra help?

Q(7): My child is trying but having difficulties. What can we do?

Q(8): Is a paid tutor helpful?

Q(9): I have received an email report showing my child received a low test grade. What should I do?

Done your homework and still have a question? Email Mr. Earl

Q(1): What grade has my child earned?

A: Grades are posted in class each Monday and email reports are sent each Friday a test is given. I encourage parents to sign up for weekly email progress reports. Homework (HW) grades are posted every 2-3 weeks.

Q(2): What are the daily homework assignments for Mr. Earl’s mathematics class?

A: Homework is assigned Monday through Friday. Homework assignments are posted in the classroom. I encourage students to write their assignments in reminder binders. You may also check the homework calendar on this site. Students are required to keep all returned homework!

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Q(3): How is homework graded? What is required?

A: Please check the homework format. The daily warm-up exercises are also considered part of the homework assignment.

Q(4): My child gets great homework grades but does not do well on tests. What‘s up?

A: Homework is graded on style, note taking skills and an attempt at the problems assigned. Therefore students are able to receive good homework grades and still do poorly on tests. Answers to odd homework questions are in the back of the book and homework is discussed at the beginning of each class. If a student is not getting the correct answers help should be sought and questions should be asked in class. The daily warm-up assignment is part of the homework assignment. The warm up assignment emphasizes the topics and types of problems Mr. Earl plans to test on. For extra practice, and much more, visit Mr. Earl’s Resource page for textbook aligned resources and Students page for many more online math resources.

Q(5): What are the grading and behavior standards for Mr. Earl’s mathematics class?

A: Please check our class rules and standards.

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Q(6): Are resources available to get my child extra help?

A: Yes. Please visit Mr. Earl’s Resource page for textbook aligned resources and Students page for many more online math resources - Also see question#7. Our school offers a number of resources to help your child succeed in mathematics including after school homework club and intervention classes. Contact the school guidance counselors for more information.

Q(7): My child is trying but having difficulties. What can we do?

A: Plenty!

1) Make sure your child does all the assigned homework ... More if he/she is uncomfortable with the subject matter. Check the daily homework assignments on Mr. Earl’s homework calendar.

2) Check homework daily for conformity to the homework format.

3) Check if your child has written down and completed the daily warm-up assignment - The warm-up assignment is very important.

4) Help your child review and understand all questions missed on a test - Tests are returned each week, usually on Thursday, and are required to be kept.

5) For online help visit Mr. Earl’s Resource page for textbook aligned resources and Students page for many more online math resources.

6) If your child is enrolled in Algebra 1A please read the *Second Chance* policy.

7) Encourage your son or daughter to get a study buddy or a group he/she can work with on a regular basis.

8) Encourage your child to ask plenty of questions in class.

9) Check for other resources offered by the school.

Your work as a parent is invaluable.

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Q(8): Is a paid tutor helpful?

A: Generally speaking a tutor can be helpful if you know the student is really trying and has exhausted the options in question#7. It has been my experience that finding a friendly study buddy, with a good understanding of the material, has the greatest success.

Q(9): I have received an email report showing my child received a low test grade. What should I do?

A: If your child usually gets good grades and you notice one grade is below average don't panic. Your child will receive his/her test back the following week. I suggest you go over the test in question and make sure that your child understands the material. Tests are usually returned to students the following Thursday.

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